Saturday 18 May 2013

recognition-security-good feeling.......the unconcious axis

Yesterday, a friend of mine had to read some of her poems in front of some people. She was preparing it quite thoroughly, and even a bit nervous.

The recognition from those unknown people would produce a sense of security and that was linked to a sense of good feeling.......all unconscious, and working perfectly...

[ The recognition from those unknown people would mean a signal to our brain of acceptance in the group, a neuronal mechanism from the time when we were "group animals", and perfectly kept till today. The acceptance would mean one would be accepted and secure in that group and to promote such behavior the brain was wired to secrete some kind of "pleasure substance", that would reinforce and validate the whole behavioral-neuronal axis]

There is nothing good or bad about it. It is like that in all of us, these long existing reflexes working unconsciously. But perhaps we should be aware of it, specially of the last part, the part that makes us feel good physically.....

.....and of the possible addiction to this good feeling.....

.....and to the rationalization that we do the action (in this case, reading the poem)...for the good of mankind.......

......and one question: is the "awareness" of such mechanism, at the same level as the mechanism itself?

Tuesday 7 May 2013

everything is how we look at it

Yesterday one of my twins was crying. I looked at him and he looked really in pain. I asked him what happened. He said his brother had a pencil and he had not one.....!!!!

I told him that that was not so important. Then, as an experiment, I told him that things have the importance that we give to them.....that everything is how we look at them......

And then I realized I am not doing it myself........I do not realize this simple fact in my daily life....(!!!!)