Monday, 8 November 2010


I have been 6 days in bed struck by a strong vertigo attack. One cannot move from bed, or the nausea and dizziness became strong. It is like intense sea-sickness, but prolongued. I noticed three things:

- In the first 48 hours, the feeling of sickness was at its peak, and I would sleep on and off, and several times I had the feeling that to die is something like that. Not a big deal. Something like a feeling of being unwell and then slip into unconsciousness....

- I tried to be as "present" as I could, but I realized how difficult is to be "present" with an unpleasant physical feeling. For instance, it was very difficult to be "present", or "mindful", of the nausea feeling. How strong and overriding is the body´s reality......

- As most diseases, this vertigo attack was psicosomatic. I realized several unconfortable to see things about me that have been constant throughout my life. The interesting thing is that one is very honest about oneself when sick........

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