Friday, 22 October 2010

Context II

The other day something happened that could perfectly have made me irritated.
But it did not. And I realized I was not irritated because the morning that it happened, I was feeling good and relaxed......So the mental environment, the context, with which we receive the stimulus, makes a big difference in what we feel...if we have a mental environment of dissatisfaction, or of anxiety, etc, it will influence very much how we react to things, how we perceive life....

Sometimes this "mental environment" comes from a far away past, and has stayed, it has become part of the regular functioning of our has become "chronic", a "chronic mental environment".....a part of what we call "personality".....

Is it possible to feel, to be aware of this mental environment, mental context?.......could we have a kind of "propriocepcion" to it?...... could we try right now?......

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